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Tableau Pulse set up and first steps
·2287 words·11 mins
tableau tableau pulse

Tableau Pulse and Tableau Cloud 2024.1 are here! How can you set it up in your Tableau Cloud site and start using it?

Converting addresses to latitude and longitude with TabPy and Tableau Prep
·2235 words·11 mins
tableau tableau prep tabpy google cloud

One of the main strengths of Tableau is it’s mapping and geographic data analysis capabilities. But if we want to map concrete addresses, we need the concrete latitude and longitude of each individual data point in order to map them. How can we convert concrete addresses to latitude and longitude?

What is Tableau Pulse?
·1458 words·7 mins
tableau tableau pulse

If you are part of the analytics and BI World, you’ve probably know Tableau, and probably you have recently heard about Tableau Pulse but, what exactly is Tableau Pulse?

How to convert a JSON file in strucutured data in Snowflake with the FLATTEN function
·1706 words·9 mins
snowflake sql

Do you need to transform semi-structured data coming from a JSON file into structured data? It’s easier than it sounds with the FLATTEN function in Snowflake.


dbt: The fast-growing data transformation platform
·863 words·5 mins

In the world of data and analytical engineering there is a platform that has been gaining followers and generating great interest for some time: dbt (Data Build Tool).

How to keep data refresh from a live data source in Tableau
·741 words·4 mins

Have you ever created a dashboard in Tableau connected to a live data source but it doesn’t keep your data updated when you or other person reopens the dashboard?

Tableau permissions: Guide and best practices
·1153 words·6 mins

Security is essential in any data platform. Understanding how permissions are defined and evaluated it’s then also essential for information control.