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About me

Hi. My name is Pablo Sáenz de Tejada. I’m consider myself passionate about technology, books, and data analysis and data visualization. This website started with the objective of compiling, in my free time, information, tips and tricks that I consider useful and I’d like to find a bit easier when I was having challenges in tasks related to data preparation, analysis and visualization.

If you are curious about my background, here’s a quick overview of my professional career.

  1. Starting my education


    2001-2003 | Technical Engineering in Computer Systems

    I started studying technical engineering because of my interest in computer science and technology. However, the experience did not convince me and after two years, I quit this degree and start searching something that motivated me more.

  2. Finding my vocation


    2003-2008 | Degree in Sociology, specialized in Human Ecology and Population

    Apart from technology, I had always been interested in social sciences and humanities so I decided to take a big change in my training, and start a degree in Sociology. During the degree, I was especially interested in statistics, population and the scientific side of this area. The combination of humanities and sciences to understand society better was very motivating.

  3. First years of professional experience

    Professional experience - Madrid

    2006-2015 | Market research quantitative analyst

    Before finishing the degree in Sociology, I started working in Market Research as a quantitative analyst in several companies, spending in total 9 years analyzing survey data in two different companies for different customers.

    In 2014 I started to be more interested in analyzing and visualizing bigger volumes of data in a more dynamic and interactive way and, at the end of 2014 I discovered Tableau: A data visualization and data analysis platform, learning it by myself a bit.

  4. Moving to the UK

    Professional experience - London

    2015-2019 | Data Analyst Consultant

    Following that new interest, I managed to receive an offer to work in the UK, joining The Information Lab in London as part of the first The Data School cohort. The Data School is a training and developing program to build and coach experts in data preparation, analysis and visualization.

    The 4 years I spent in the UK team of The Information Lab allowed me to work as a data consultant and trainer for companies like Deloitte, Inmarsat, Viacom, BCG, easyJet, Virgin Atlantic o PWC in different data projects. I became an expert in Tableau and Alteryx and also became Tableau Public Ambassador during several years.

  5. Back to Spain to start a company

    Professional experience - Madrid

    2019-2022 | Managing Director of The Information Lab Spain

    At the end of 2019 I was back in Madrid, Spain and I had the opportunity to set up the office of The Information Lab Spain and starting my own company and business with a couple of more partners. Those were quite intense years as, in addition to the challenge of starting a new company, the COVID-19 pandemic hit Europe after just a few months of setting up the company. The project and the company made it through the pandemic and grew during those years, but with a big personal effort.

  6. I joined the Tableau team at Salesforce

    Professional experience - Current role

    2022-2024 | Solution Engineer at Tableau | Salesforce

    At the beginning of 2022, I took the opportunity of joining the Tableau team at Salesforce Spain. After working as a consultant for big companies, I was drawn by the idea of working for a huge and successful company like Salesforce. Since then, I worked as Solution Engineer helping people to see, understand and take action with data.

I consider myself a curious person, so I try to keep learning new things as much as possible. During the last years I’m spending the little spare time I have trying to learn Python, dbt, Snowflake, AWS, Vega and I’d love to have time for DIY projects with RaspberryPi.

As happens to a lot of us I don’t have much spare time available, but still decided to try and help more people see, analyze, understand and communicate with data. Helping and teaching others is something I find incredibly rewarding. That’s why I decided to build this website.
