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About privacy in this website

Web and data privacy is something I’m starting to worry more and more. That’s why I try to use in my personal life services and platforms that are respectful with my data and privacy even if sometimes means to pay extra money and avoid free alternatives. That’s for example the reason why I have been using Proton for my personal email addresses. Proton is a company based in Switzerland that provides easy-to-use encrypted email, calendar, file storage, and VPN built on the principle of your data, your rules. It has a monthly cost when you want to have additional features and capacity but it’s focused on privacy and end-to-end encryption.

Following that path, I try to be more careful about my data when browsing the Internet. For this reason, it won’t be totally honest with myself if my website doesn’t follow those some concerns. So when I started this website and wanted to track website traffic, I decided to find a solution that offers also privacy for you and all my visitors.

Ie want to process as little personal information as possible when you use my website. That’s why I’ve chosen Fathom Analytics for my website analytics, which doesn’t use cookies and complies with the GDPR, ePrivacy (including PECR), COPPA and CCPA. Using this privacy-friendly website analytics software, your IP address is only briefly processed, and I (running this website) have no way of identifying you. As per the CCPA, your personal information is de-identified. You can read more about this on Fathom Analytics’ website.

The purpose of us using this software is to understand my website traffic in the most privacy-friendly way possible so that I can continually improve my website. The lawful basis as per the GDPR is “Article 6(1)(f); where our legitimate interests are to improve our website and business continually.” As per the explanation, no personal data is stored over time.

If you want to try Fathom Analytics you can use this link to obtain a $10 discount in your first invoice and contribute supporting this website.